What is a Near Miss?
A Near Miss is an unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness, or damage; but had the potential to do so.
What can cause a Near Miss?
Near misses are caused by the same kinds of workplace hazards that cause actual accidents: Unsafe conditions, and/or unsafe acts.
Mistakes people make and the risks they take cause most safety problems. That means you and your employees have the power to prevent a near miss from occurring.
Even hazards that do not seem too important, like a spill on the floor or a rope left on a wharf, could result in an accident or injury. Do not ignore them!
If you have a near miss:
Take every near miss as seriously as if it were an actual accident.
Do not be afraid that you will be penalized for the incident. If you know there is a hazard, make sure everyone else knows.
Report it to your supervisor immediately. The sooner you report a safety problem, the sooner it can be fixed.
Help prevent near misses by:
Keeping alert for hazards while you work.
Follow safety rules and wear required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Report any hazards you see anywhere in the workplace to the appropriate person.
If you can do so safely, remove the hazard but still report it.
Participate in safety training.
Keep your work area clean, neat, and safe.
Speak up if you see a coworkers taking risks; do not accept unsafe behavior.
Make safety your priority every workday!

Causes of a Near Miss or Accident