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A membership fee or levy will be charged once a year and will be paid per Standard Industry Classification (SIC) (business/individual). If a business holds more than one division within an SIC they will only pay once (i.e. 2 processing plants within an SIC). If a company has divisions in 2 or more SIC’s they would pay in both SIC’s (i.e. one harvesting, one processing). The WCB is charging this membership/levy fee on behalf of Fish Safe NS to the company/individual, and turns over the revenue to Fish Safe NS once collected. The membership fee will be based on the previous year’s premiums paid.


Governance / Membership

Fish Safe NS is governed by a board of directors. This board oversees the activities and staff of Fish Safe NS and will meet 4 times a year. This 15-member board host seats for 5 fish harvesting representatives, 5 fish processing representatives, and 5 representatives from aquaculture and/or services incidental to fishing. 


Ex-officio / Advisors (non-voting) have been secured from the NS Department of Labour, Skills and Immigration NS Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Transport Canada, and Workers’ Compensation Board of Nova Scotia. There are also Advisors from the Transportation Safety Board of Canada, DFO Resource Management, DFO C&P.


A Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary make up our Executive members, voted in by the board of directors. The Executive will meet independently of the board, as needed or every 6 to 8 weeks. Membership to Fish Safe NS include businesses/individuals in the fish harvesting, fish processing, and aquaculture sectors registered with the WCBNS. This membership meets together once a year for an annual general meeting.


Fish Safe NS is housed within its own office space with a complement of 3 full-time staff members. Additional staff is added when required for special projects, events and other activities or services. Our office consists of adequate office and storage space and provides large meeting spaces for training courses and meetings. Our full-time staff complement includes an Executive Director, a  Safety Coordinator and an Administration & Training Coordinator.

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